Why are you guys promoting this kind of propaganda, seriously...
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Reply to Msg 9401
Why are you guys promoting this kind of propaganda, seriously?
Do you actually think if they leave, Haiti will be better off?
Jhonny, November 14 2012, 5:41 PM
Topic: Cholera, the Disaster brought to Haiti by UN People
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Why are you guys promoting this kind of propaganda, seriously? Do you actually think if they leave, Haiti will be better off? read more >
Jhonny, 14-Nov-12 5:41 pm
I totally agreed with your statement that if it was another country, they would have taken measures against the UN... But it's Haiti, podjab, the... read more >
Tia, 14-Nov-12 6:24 pm
So, Johnny, you might be right but tell me one good thing they have done in Haiti. And what about Tia, any suggestion?? We are the one who need to... read more >
Melchisedeck, 15-Nov-12 12:13 am
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