Jenjen, listen we have to start talking positive for our...
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Reply to Msg 9178
Jenjen, listen we have to start talking positive for our Haiti, we are abroad we do not feel the pain like our people living back there.
By the way they do not owned Haiti we do so let put our selves @ work so we can built a better Haiti.
What do you think?
Harry, October 23 2012, 2:17 PM
Topic: Billionaire Richard Branson In Haiti for Caracol Industrial Park Grand Opening
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I agree the Clinton believe in Haiti and no one else does! In addition, it's about time Branson goes to Haiti! We need the jobs, help, support, new... read more >
Maggy Gousse, 23-Oct-12 8:30 am
We have to thank Bill and Hillary Clinton, they have done a great job trying to bring Investors to Haiti. The rest is up to us read more >
Ti Djo, 23-Oct-12 9:06 am
Of course Haitians have the Clintons to thank they basically own Haiti.. read more >
Jenjen, 23-Oct-12 12:11 pm
Jenjen, listen we have to start talking positive for our Haiti, we are abroad we do not feel the pain like our people living back there. By the way... read more >
Harry, 23-Oct-12 2:17 pm
My only hope is that the haitian government provides full security to encourage these efforts. read more >
Paul, 23-Oct-12 8:04 pm
Good for Haiti..Sr Branson and Hillary Clinton are in the island I wish that we Haitians know how to take advantage of this... some serious laws or... read more >
Luko Adjaffi, 23-Oct-12 8:55 pm
A little bit a information would help a great deal with this article. What is Caracol Industrial Park? Where is is located? What kind of business... read more >
Maria, 25-Oct-12 9:05 am
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