I have lost so much money sending things to Haiti that i don't even try anymore.
I just send the money.
The first time, I lost everything and the guy just said sorry.
The next time, one container was found and the others could not be. When I went to the company in Boston, they had closed down. Currently, my mom is is a similar battle with " la douanne" like they said, siw konnen youn mounn, wap gen chans, si non, se nan djakout neg okap wa we kichoy yo ap pase! Good luck! Haiti is just to corrupt to go anywhere!
You know what? You kind of scared me because I started to pack up all my belongings to ship to Haiti, and I'm planning on moving back to there. If... read more >
Marygharlynn, 23-Aug-12 2:06 pm
For me it was a nightmare. After almost two years I saw all my stuff by the Catholic church for sale in St-Marc and the company name "Haiti Cargo... read more >
Carolle Alexandre, 23-Aug-12 3:14 pm
I don't believe white people have this wickecness, white people's cargo take maximum 2 weecks to send containers Port au prince Haiti. At this point... read more >
Patrick Princivil, 23-Aug-12 4:06 pm
j'ai fait souvent parvenir des meubles et diff read more >
Normand, 23-Aug-12 4:19 pm
Pour moi les cargots ne savent pas quand ils pouront arrivez la bas,par avant memme une date effectif du depart.Et par foi ils ont memme pas... read more >
Harold Fleurine, 23-Aug-12 4:36 pm
I have lost so much money sending things to Haiti that i don't even try anymore. I just send the money. The first time, I lost everything and the... read more >
Fabiola L, 24-Aug-12 1:01 am
You have to choose the right shipping company, I don.t know what state you're shipping from, but allison shipping is always on time. read more >
Chris, 28-Aug-12 11:04 am
My siter has given a car to monarch shipping to send to Haiti since April they just tell her like the others said call monday and she called... read more >