No I will not go. This charade is a carnaval in name only. A...
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Reply to Msg 8558
No I will not go. This charade is a carnaval in name only. A bunch of non costumed people milling about for three days.
In the Haiti of my childhood, carnaval was a real event.
One could not march in the cortege if one was not "deguise".
Point bar. The not "deguise" people stood on the sidelines, watch and enjoyed the mardi-gras parade.
You had groups with their music, called "ban' madi gra" from various neighborhoods taking part in the cortege.
Bas-Peu-De-Chose (place Jeremie) had Diabolo in jaune abricot and noir. Later on came Zobolo from Carrefour Feuilles, in jaune citron and noir. "Derange" with all kind of colors mixed, came from upper Lalue.
"Arroyo" from near Ti-fou. I forgot their color.
"Dragon" in noir et rouge from Post Marchand.
"Titato" a/k/a "Tana" in rouge, jaune et vert, from Bel-Air. "Maison Hantee" in electric blue and black, from Place Sainte Anne. "Nirvana" in pink and black from somewhere downtown P-au-Prince.
"Yoyo" jaune et noir i think, from Portail Saint Joseph.
"Rodan" whose color i also forgot, from lower Lalue.
Then Nemours Jean-Baptiste and Weber Sicot who both used to play in Titato made their own ban madi gra: Compas Direct in rouge, blanc, noir from angle Rue du Centre and Rue des Casernes; and Cadence Rampa in a bunch of vivid color, from Grand Rue. And the king of them all: "Otofonik" from Portail St. Joseph.
"Otofonik" was a rara type of band with the owner dressed in a gro dada get up, and an electric light flicking on and off near his anus.
Besides those musical ban madi gra, one also had lots of decorated chars with beautiful rois and reines de mardi gras on them, throwing confetti, chicklets, souvenirs, etc., to the crowd on the sidelines.
The Charles Oscars with black grease on their bodies, bouchon kola bracelets around their ankles, red exagerated lips and fouette kash in hands, dancing and entertaining the crowds.
The Gro Tet groups parading; the boeuf groups with their fouette kash clacking on the pavement; the Indian groups with colorful feathers headgears; The Indou turban groups dressed in white silk from head to toe; the Gro Dada deguise women.
The Machan feuilles groups shouting all king of dirty one liners.
The Lamayotes groups to whom you had to pay to see what's in their boxes.
The occasional Ford 4 full of dejoue young bourgeois drinking booze out of biberons with tetines while wearing diapers.
Not to forget the Vivi and the bands of zombies all dressed in white.
You did not dare enter any parading group if you were not deguise the same as them. They would make you pay dearly for such infraction.
Toudenoir, February 1 2012, 7:11 PM
Topic: Haiti Carnaval 2012 in Les Cayes, Are you Going?
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