Surely, I dont understand this! Everyone is gonna give me...
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Reply to Msg 8512
Surely, I dont understand this! Everyone is gonna give me reason Haiti is fra away to be a Nation As I desire that. sean Penn could keep being a friend of haiti for helping the authorities of this group of people called haitian, but not the people really.
I say once agan, Haiti needs a Revolution in all its compartiment.
Everyone is afraid, I am not. when we see everyday on the importance of the international community in our internal affairs, I start hating the Haitian autorities.
A historical lesson is necessary to give to them. Alone, we can't but together yes we can. Don't forget Dessalines, Christophe and Petion's spirit.
Ayisyen se Chyen!
Nicolas Ronel, January 19 2012, 10:46 AM
Topic: Sean Penn, The New Haitian Ambassador
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