The biggest problem with Haiti is its upper class. They only...

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Reply to Msg 8326

The biggest problem with Haiti is its upper class.

They only live for the moment.

That is why they moved to the mountains, so they can be protected.

But if they thought for the country, they would have built instead of destroying industries.

It will take bold, and innovative thinking to get this vision to reality.

But it's not that difficult.

Because if you help people relocate, pay them to work to build this and pay them fair wages to work on these resorts properties, they will not destroy it because they need it.

The problem is that most poor Haitians do no see value in things because as soon as they think they have something it's taken away from them.

But if they see long term prospects, they will back it up 150%.

If you don't believe me, look back at how they had hope and supported Aristide.

That kind of spirit will rally them.

Unfortunately, I'm not as hopeful for the wealthy because most of them are foreigners with no real interest in Haiti.

Their roots are elsewhere and they just pack up and take a vacation when things go bad.

But to answer your original question: HELL, YEAH!!! This is the way Haiti was back in the 40's and 50's. I have a 1948 book of Haiti at home to prove it.

Jacques L, November 29 2011, 8:04 PM

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I vote yes! But let me be clear...Port-au-Prince n'est pas l'affaire d'une classe sociale m read more >
Mm, 29-Nov-11 4:05 pm
While my solution to this never-ending problem may sound harsh, I don't see any other option. Those with the means to make significant changes... read more >
Colette, 29-Nov-11 4:14 pm
St Preux, the question that you asked here, that is not a one question. that's a debate subject, I called it. what you just talking so important I... read more >
Richelet, 29-Nov-11 4:30 pm
We must first educate, and work hard to change their mentalities. We would need to be very careful, and fair with the poor. We can built very low... read more >
Josy, 29-Nov-11 5:31 pm
There is no need to be a riot if the government decide to remove these people from the beachfront and locate them elsewhere. All the government has... read more >
David Grant, 29-Nov-11 7:43 pm
The biggest problem with Haiti is its upper class. They only live for the moment. That is why they moved to the mountains, so they can be protected... read more >
Jacques L, 29-Nov-11 8:04 pm
if we working together put politik a way for the love of our country we can work with our president together to rebuil haiti read more >
Lena, 30-Nov-11 12:18 am
OK my people everyone has some good valid points but no real solutions because none of us are really putting our money where our heart is. Yes Haiti... read more >
Wag, 30-Nov-11 10:20 am
No, no my brother you got it all wrong. No one needs to move. Why would you want to have a business next to your home. You are right, what kind of... read more >
Jb, 30-Nov-11 10:21 am
Hi... How are you? For the "NEG ANBA" you talk about, it's only they miss the possibility to have money. Because, when you don't have money you... read more >
Roudia, 30-Nov-11 4:43 pm
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