Can Port-au-Prince Haiti EVER Have A Paradise Caribbean Look?
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Haiti is the only country I know where poor people live by the beach, a real source of income through tourism. And the only reason is a simple one... read more >
Legrand Parisien Salvant, 29-Nov-11 4:03 pm
I vote yes! But let me be clear...Port-au-Prince n'est pas l'affaire d'une classe sociale m read more >
Mm, 29-Nov-11 4:05 pm
While my solution to this never-ending problem may sound harsh, I don't see any other option. Those with the means to make significant changes... read more >
Colette, 29-Nov-11 4:14 pm
St Preux, the question that you asked here, that is not a one question. that's a debate subject, I called it. what you just talking so important I... read more >
Richelet, 29-Nov-11 4:30 pm
We must first educate, and work hard to change their mentalities. We would need to be very careful, and fair with the poor. We can built very low... read more >
Josy, 29-Nov-11 5:31 pm
There is no need to be a riot if the government decide to remove these people from the beachfront and locate them elsewhere. All the government has... read more >
David Grant, 29-Nov-11 7:43 pm
The biggest problem with Haiti is its upper class. They only live for the moment. That is why they moved to the mountains, so they can be protected... read more >
Jacques L, 29-Nov-11 8:04 pm
if we working together put politik a way for the love of our country we can work with our president together to rebuil haiti read more >
Lena, 30-Nov-11 12:18 am
OK my people everyone has some good valid points but no real solutions because none of us are really putting our money where our heart is. Yes Haiti... read more >
Wag, 30-Nov-11 10:20 am
No, no my brother you got it all wrong. No one needs to move. Why would you want to have a business next to your home. You are right, what kind of... read more >
Jb, 30-Nov-11 10:21 am
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