Je trouve qu'il vaille la peine que je laisse mon mot...

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Reply to Msg 7686

Je trouve qu'il vaille la peine que je laisse mon mot concernant cela. Ma femme reste en Haiti et je lui parle environ 11h00 par semaine via le t

William, July 11 2011, 3:40 PM

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Topic: Calling Rates Haiti Now 5 Cents More Per Minute: How Often Will You Call?

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I spend $5.00 at Starbucks for a Cappucino, so what is five cents and it will be for a good cause. We should not let a few pennies interfere with... read more >
Josy, 16-Jun-11 10:30 pm
I'm not agree for that cause they gonna costtoo much money.five cents per minute it's too much may be 5 cent by call one call haiti gonna cost too... read more >
Bossjoe, 16-Jun-11 11:36 pm
I think people will still call Haiti regardless of the 5 cents increase,specially if it is for education.I spent more than five cents a day on metro... read more >
Myrtho, 17-Jun-11 6:50 am
I will call Haiti le prezidan Micky voye ide fond pou education an devan palman poul ka vinn loi epi pou loi di cleman kisa yap fe avec yon mounn... read more >
Sergo Jean, 17-Jun-11 7:30 am
I have no problem giving five cents per call especially foe a good cause, however I never heard the president stated how he's going to tax the... read more >
Ddesir, 17-Jun-11 2:34 pm
This is the first time I can see something great begin in other to help my country,it is a verry good programme I like it 5 cent for me no a big... read more >
Harold Fleurine, 17-Jun-11 6:55 pm
i my name is vicnere in washington state i love to suport this programs so here's my concern is that last week my wufe macke a call sando domingo... read more >
Vicnere, 17-Jun-11 10:44 pm
Good point,He should tax the wealthy first then 5 cents thing later.We support haiti more than the so-called wealthy,they are bunch of crook why not... read more >
Richelle, 18-Jun-11 6:20 am
Je trouve qu'il vaille la peine que je laisse mon mot concernant cela. Ma femme reste en Haiti et je lui parle environ 11h00 par semaine via le t read more >
William, 11-Jul-11 3:40 pm
It does not matter for me how much will the call cost. My question is: how will I know how much money they gain? I mean transparency read more >
Grenadye16, 21-Jul-11 4:25 pm
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