I think english wil be better because it will be good for the...
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i think english wil be better because it will be good for the student but they can learn french and english together because its going to help them in life.
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Well, If we want to be as honest as we can be without being too Bias, we know that French is Dead and gone. Period. In the Haitian community, I... read more >
Topic, 29-Oct-04 3:27 pm
i voted because that's our mother language (creole) and we need to learn it and be more educated about it tomake our country great and not try to be... read more >
Topic, 29-Oct-04 3:28 pm
The way the Haitian economy is going now, I would sugest all our kids to start learning english, from class Kindergarden up to Philo. Don't get me... read more >
Topic, 29-Oct-04 4:59 pm
i think english wil be better because it will be good for the student but they can learn french and english together because its going to help them... read more >
Topic, 29-Oct-04 5:42 pm
70% of Haitians dream of coming to USA. So it's better now if they start to learn english early. read more >
Topic, 29-Oct-04 10:12 pm
The problem doesn't lie in english or creole. All native haitians speak creole. The mere fact that this language is not spoken worldwide, put most... read more >
Topic, 31-Oct-04 10:53 pm
I think haitians everywhere should be proud of what we have. It would be a big disapointment among haitians and the rest of black people living in... read more >
Topic, 31-Oct-04 11:19 pm
Most of us have our family living in the U.S whom supporting us in Haiti. So, that is the absolute reason. read more >
Topic, 1-Nov-04 2:36 pm
ban-m kreyol mwen, kreyol se lang manman-m lang papa-m.Imajine-w yon peyi kote 90% moun ki ladan pa konn li ni ekri, kijan yo pral fel si yo aprann... read more >
Topic, 1-Nov-04 6:21 pm
well first of all, knowing that english is a world wide langauge, it is spoken all over the world haitians kids should have knowledge of it... read more >
Topic, 1-Nov-04 7:13 pm
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