I have seen it done in other countries, and the government...

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Reply to Msg 7140

I have seen it done in other countries, and the government cannot do it all. I do not see the companies here taking over the US government, because they provide benefits for their employees and I do not understand where you coming from with your state of mind. I have visited all five continents, south america, and the islands.

Where have you been?

Do you know what I am talking about?

I do not want the companies to take over Haiti, and do want them to pay living wages with extra benefits to combat poverty.

It is my opinion, and I am sticking to it.

Josy, February 26 2011, 5:53 PM

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Topic: BOT Project Financing - Could That Help Develop Haiti Faster?

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I totally agree with you. We need big investments, as you mentioned, by willing investors to develop in some of the beautiful coastal areas in... read more >
Etienne, 26-Feb-11 11:22 am
That is One of the best way to start putting the country on the right track of developpement read more >
Thomas, 26-Feb-11 11:44 am
The Haitian government can barely manage anything. We had HASCO, Minoterie, Ciment D'Haiti, and Teleco that disappeared or failed under the Haitian... read more >
Will Smith, 26-Feb-11 2:00 pm
Hello Great idea cepedantwe have to make sure we are ready because if i spend one million US $ in a place i do not intend to loose it after i built... read more >
Marck, 26-Feb-11 3:27 pm
I like the idea very much, and would rather private Haitian investors take over after 20 years. I would like to add a couple requests, and would... read more >
Josy, 26-Feb-11 4:50 pm
In other words, you waant the companies to play the role of government by providing the services Governments and/or living wages shouldnprovide... read more >
Jan Pingga, 26-Feb-11 5:33 pm
I have seen it done in other countries, and the government cannot do it all. I do not see the companies here taking over the US government, because... read more >
Josy, 26-Feb-11 5:53 pm
that would definately work in Haiti's favor especially with the subject of oil and natural gas in Haiti. It seems like no one wants to talk about it... read more >
Negbelair, 26-Feb-11 6:02 pm
Presently, Haiti is in no position to attract foreign investors. It has to regulate this volatile political climate that is plaguing the country... read more >
David Grant, 26-Feb-11 10:01 pm
The BOT Financial Project is a very good approach to resolve the problems.It is about time to put the country into the right track to move... read more >
Myrtho, 27-Feb-11 8:32 pm
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