haitian social revolution
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Reply to Msg 1276
Greetings everyone,
I just finished reading the article on the haitian social
revolution and I want to congradulate you for being so bold and so right.
I must admit that I am a great believer in what Haitians are capable of. Not only because of their status as the first black republic, but mostly for their great contribution to the world we live in today.
It might sound strange that I am talking about haitian contribution when the world views us as the poorest country in the western hemisphere, but do not be fooled; There would be no United States or South America as they are today if it was not for our Haitian ancestors who had vision and fought for them. Also, the American culture would have been a lot different if it wasn't for our Haitian descendants known as the "Free People of Colour" in Louisiana who excelled in all major professions and had the world mesmerized by its talented musicians.
there is great hope for us Haitians but we must remember that some people hate us because of what we stand for "freedom"
"equality" etc...
We know that, From the independance times, the agenda has been for haiti to be isolated, weakened and deprived from education.
all that, only because we live in a world were successful blacks are not welcome.
nevertheless let us not be distracted by that; But, let us educate ourselves, lift our heads up and come together as one.
yours truly.
p.s. don't forget our french communities
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