Haitian Business on the Web

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Reply to Msg 1256

The reason why there is little Haitian business presence on the web is because you and I, who understand the need to take advantage of the internet, do not have businesses, and because most of those who have businesses have not made the connection between their bottom line and the power of the internet.

Simply put, they do not believe other Haitians to be informed enough to rely on a search engine to satisfy our taste buds, for instance.

It is understandable, however, that when you do not understand something for yourself, you cannot further understand how it can help your business.

Should I say we have a JOB to do?

Is it our civic responsibility to educate and empower others?

Or should we dwell over the issue for what it really is: The majority of Haitian businesses do not receive a wide patronage from those of us who are otherwise described as affluent, but instead are widely supported by individuals who choose where to go based on either word of mouth or other sort of personal referrals.

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The reason why there is little Haitian business presence on the web is because you and I, who understand the need to take advantage of the internet... read more >
Topic, 17-Jul-03 4:15 pm
The real purpose of building a (Business) website is to let your customer know about your business and what you have to offer. Doing that does not... read more >
Topic, 25-Jul-03 1:28 pm
The article made some valid points. Our presence on the world wide web is critical. But there is more to it than that. You will find that the... read more >
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live stroung and do what u want to do and be a gardener and im azan so do be mad lol lol lol read more >
Topic, 21-Feb-05 7:55 pm


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