I believe that guy is the most ignorant because he should know...
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Reply to Msg 6490
I believe that guy is the most ignorant because he should know that before us as haitian can inter here in america we have to be free of any kind of desease.They are the one that easy to get to the border from any spanish land to mexico caming here spread HIV not us.and some haitian man they like getting with other people beside they on race without paying any attention and get infected pass it on to the haitian waman.I'm not jealous about them get involve with other people I think they sould pay more attention to what they doing.
Especially some african american, spanish waman as well.
Richelle, January 30 2011, 6:33 PM
Topic: I am HIV Negative Because I don't Mess With Haitian Girls, A New York DJ Says
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