In the end we will succed but meanwhile the devil will destroy...

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Reply to Msg 6558

In the end we will succed but meanwhile the devil will destroy most of our population because of our love and innocence.

God will destroy the devil in and out of our system before it reaches it's goal. I believe in him and in know he will. He will punish twice our brothers that have taken money from the devil to turn against their people.

Our brothers that used his name in vain for profiting while their people suffer will be cursed cause they are not his people.

They are worse than the devil himself.

Education is the most important key. It helps you to know who you are and where you are going most of all the understanding of your religion because it is your soul's food. Denying yourself your religion is starving yourself spiritually.

That is why from the beginning the first thing he did, he forbid them from practice their religion and force you to adopt his just to keep you lost and away from the God.
So until Haitians know that they are Africans and know African history (not the euro version) and religion the devil will make them run like headless chickens.

Garry Dstin, December 27 2010, 9:45 AM

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Potestan apnea nou tie yon ak lot pande ke yap m read more >
Garry Dstin, 26-Dec-10 10:01 am
This is an outrage! Action must be taken. What must we give, what must happen to regain a sense of peace and humanity? Our people struggle with... read more >
The Divine Prince, 26-Dec-10 10:22 am
very very sad, Haitian should think haitian, it should be the 1st thing to discuss with the haitian population,CHOLERA IS NOT PROVOKE BY BAD... read more >
Miejo, 26-Dec-10 11:38 am
First of all i personally don't like Voodoo. Every time i hear some stories about how people or infants get killed by magic it makes me thrilled.Yet... read more >
Max, 26-Dec-10 2:28 pm
My Friend, Voodou has nothing to see with the cholera disease but voodou is something sensitive and well educated peoples have give up upon in... read more >
Pastor Dorcinvil Wilkesse, 26-Dec-10 7:57 pm
Why you include the Pope in your thing? Please when you have to talk about your evil don't even think of the catholic church I see who you are and... read more >
Louis, 26-Dec-10 8:34 pm
well put although i dont practice voodoo i respect the fact that it is the pure natural ways of afro-human praising God and what is wrong in... read more >
Jean Compas Vizyonlakay, 27-Dec-10 12:01 am
send me info jcompas12 at read more >
Jean Compas Vizyonlakay, 27-Dec-10 12:12 am
In the end we will succed but meanwhile the devil will destroy most of our population because of our love and innocence. God will destroy the devil... read more >
Garry Dstin, 27-Dec-10 9:45 am
I am deeply sorry if my message has offended you it was not intentional but to tell you the truth since i have been invited on this site i make it... read more >
Max, 27-Dec-10 10:26 am
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