Believe me, I am praying!
They are strong wonderful people who praise God even with all the natural disasters etc. they have gone through.
They are amazing! Unfortunately alot of people would have given up on God and ask 'why'?
But the Haitians praise him and ask for more strength and thank him for what they 'do' have. How can anyone not see this?
I will continue to pray for Haiti, and I ask others to join in.
'Dear Lord, please be with the Haitian families as they go through another tough time. Help them to help each other and to keep their strong faith in you Lord.Give them peace in mind and soul. I pray that their new govenment will also help Haiti to become beautiful once again, to have fairness within the community.
I hope so. We are a strong nation but more needs to be done regarding this epidemy. read more >
Eunide Sanon, 1-Dec-10 6:39 pm
It's not the first time an epidemic hit Haiti.Some years ago, haiti had an epidemic of "LEPRE" and it was eradicated. The people needs to educate... read more >
Gerdy, 1-Dec-10 7:46 pm
You are right my friend, they must keep their fatih and be strong. May God Bless you. May God Bless the Haitians, everyone of them. They are awsome... read more >
Brenda, 1-Dec-10 9:45 pm
Believe me, I am praying! They are strong wonderful people who praise God even with all the natural disasters etc. they have gone through. They are... read more >
Brenda, 1-Dec-10 9:54 pm
baby only god know we have to pray to love each other we are the firsh black to be free i think u are the first god will punish for all sin in the... read more >
Lena, 1-Dec-10 10:54 pm
YES. my dear Landy you are very right Jehovah is a live and i know he is going to do something about it. read more >
Marie Elie, 2-Dec-10 9:14 am
As a nation we are being chastised by the Almighty, the tragedies are the result of our own rebellion and actions toward each other. But God who is... read more >