At Josy. If what you say is true, why is it only Haiti which...

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Reply to Msg 6261

at Josy. If what you say is true, why is it only Haiti which seems to be forever suffering?

I don't hear anywhere else going to the same tribulation, pain, as those poor Haitians.

As far I am concerned, the whole rest of the world is by far, more wicked and mean than Haiti would ever dream of being.

Unless, Haiti is the scapegoat for the world.

Poor Haitian People!!!

Nicole, November 12 2010, 10:04 AM

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Se pa you trenbleman de te se yon lekol kap pran ekilib li paske li pa te kraze apre trenbleman de te a epi vinn gen panik read more >
Johnny, 12-Nov-10 6:01 am
at Josy. If what you say is true, why is it only Haiti which seems to be forever suffering? I don't hear anywhere else going to the same... read more >
Nicole, 12-Nov-10 10:04 am
I totally agree with you Nicole. Im Haitia myself and everynight before I go to sleep, I ask God why does everything bad happen to us. What awfull... read more >
China, 12-Nov-10 11:57 am


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