Are you a role model?
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Reply to Msg 1301
That Haitians don't like to brag in not a surprise, for in our culture bragging is strongly discouraged.
People are naturally jealous enough as it is, if only because so many have been denied for so long. Bragging is a virtual invitation for traps.
Nowhere is the saying "no good deed goes unpunished" as true as in our culture.
We take a sick pleasure in making/watching the mighty(good or bad) fall. For that reason the gifted, talented, anointed among us learn to keep whatever is special about them to themselves, or to take it overseas where it's appreciated.
Indeed the Haitian education system prepares us better for life elsewhere than for life in Haiti.
To wit, the "educated" Haitian knows little to nothing about the homeland.
Nevertheless, a shining star is unmistakable in its brilliance.
So how does one serve as a role model for Haitians?
By a third party's recommendation, for to present oneself as one to be dismissed instantly as just another charlattan..
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