I wish I had a specialist in mind for your daughter's friend, unfortunately I dont. The only thing I can suggest if all has not yet been done, is to make sure that MRI of the Brain has been done and touroughly analyzed, and that all Neurological exams and findings have been re-evaluated.
Other than that my dear, the power of prayers have worked for me and my three daughters and I hope this family and yours keep on praying.
As I go each day in life I keep reminding myself that The Lord will never give more than He feels that we, His children can handle.
I wish you the best...
whatever happens, The Lord may have felt that he does not deserve to suffer and decided to deliver him from his pain.
a friend from New York. Feel free to write back.
dear friend In Haiti you might contact Dr.Alix Charles Elie, he might have and answer to your plight or know of a specialist that might be of help. read more >
Topic, 9-Jul-04 11:49 pm
Collne, My Prayer and the Good lord go to the young and the family members. I am very sorry to receive the bad news about the young man last night... read more >
Topic, 10-Jul-04 9:59 am
Colleen, My Prayer and the Good lord go to the young man and the family members. I am very sorry to receive the bad news about the young man last... read more >
Topic, 10-Jul-04 10:47 am
Dear Colleen, I wish I had a specialist in mind for your daughter's friend, unfortunately I dont. The only thing I can suggest if all has not yet... read more >
Topic, 10-Jul-04 11:45 am
Hello Colleen, I think it's wonderful of you to be trying so hard to help this young man. I don't have a Brain Surgeon to refer to you, but I... read more >
Topic, 10-Jul-04 5:38 pm
Please call the Association of Haitian Doctors Overseas (Association des Medecins Haitiens a l' ETranger) and Dr. JEan-Claude Compas at Family... read more >
Topic, 10-Jul-04 11:46 pm
Colleen, I sure hope is not to late, to reply. If is not, you should Immediately Contact John Hopkins Hospital, Broadway, Baltimore MD. Ask For Dr... read more >
Topic, 11-Jul-04 4:44 pm
My dear Brother, Just remember that someone 's praying hard for You and surely you will get better to continue your daily activities. Just put your... read more >
Topic, 12-Jul-04 11:27 am
How about the Mass General Hospital in Massachusetts? Have him flown quickly so he can get the best care possible. He does not even need to have... read more >
Topic, 12-Jul-04 4:24 pm
I am very sorry to hear about this tragedy. I would like to offer you my sincere condolences. I think I speak for everybody in this forum. Woodring... read more >