Idon't want to be negative, but i hope this is not a talk show, as we all know doing is one thing, but doing is a whole different thing.
I am sorry, but i don't believe our government talk show, until i start seing some action, it is always talk talk talk after Papa dock died, but no action.
the reason i mention papa dock is that he was the last president that i learn, if he give you money for a project and it is not done or complete, you better get ready to explain to him where the money went, or else, i guess you all know what i am talking about.
Several other things need to be done in combination with this. Parliament needs to spell out rights of tenants, and both homeless and disaster... read more >
Idon't want to be negative,but i hope this is not a talk show,as we all know doing is one thing, but doing is a whole different thing. I am sorry... read more >
Tomy, 4-Oct-10 4:38 pm
Nou pa gen palmante,pou vote lwa sa se parol tafia.yo jus ap cheche vot nan eleksyon ki pral fet la e yap fe tou sa ki pa bon pou yo jwen vwa.apre... read more >
Sergo Jean, 4-Oct-10 4:39 pm
It's always like that. Right before the election,some beautiful,sound proposals always popped-up out of nowhere to make the Haitians feel that... read more >