DJ Balchi I feel you as I visited Aruba for two months an I...
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Reply to Msg 5812
DJ Balchi I feel you as I visited Aruba for two months an I know the feeling in the sensation this group has bring to Aruba I can prove it from a club good luck!and be strong.
Martine Civil, September 29 2010, 1:39 AM
Topic: KASSAV Singer Patrick Saint-Eloi Dead at 55
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Le genre de musique de Kassav est le Zouk. Ce groupe est le cr read more >
Dja Paul, 20-Sep-10 5:54 pm
yes last time i was in this concert in haiti was 1986 one day before jean claude duvalier said president la red cou ke makat i love kassav and i... read more >
Lena, 20-Sep-10 6:36 pm
Patrick St.eloi restera tjrs dans les coeurs et dans le mien pour bien longtemps car ses chansons nous ont bercees et continueront a le faire,telles... read more >
Mona Nelson, 21-Sep-10 8:33 am
My sincerely condoleances to his family and fans. I'll miss him dearly im happy to share this lifetime with KASSAV and his musicians talents and... read more >
Yoly, 21-Sep-10 9:39 am
Je suis vraiment desolee, il est si jeune il est mort read more >
Cleana Gemima Richardson, 21-Sep-10 12:46 pm
Aruba cries the dead of patrick sosega na pas thats means rest in peace read more >
D.j. Balchi Aruba, 27-Sep-10 8:50 pm
yes back on the 80"s kassave was the beatle sound for the haitians. like in the early 60"s when john lennon was the elvis for the american's... read more >
Martine Civil, 29-Sep-10 1:31 am
DJ Balchi I feel you as I visited Aruba for two months an I know the feeling in the sensation this group has bring to Aruba I can prove it from a... read more >
Martine Civil, 29-Sep-10 1:39 am
We are from every small island in South america Saint Andrews Island Colombia, KASSAV is and will alwyas be our mentor we became very famous in... read more >
Magical Beat, 3-Oct-10 8:58 pm
Hello, all I wanna tell you something important for Haiti going to happen in the nearest future. You all already have known that Outgoing Haitian... read more >
Haitian Citizen, 24-Oct-10 11:06 am
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