The day of Prayer for Haiti will take place on july 16, 2004. This request is being sent to the Haitian Communities, to the Pastors, evangelists, and patriots, who have a burden for Haiti's restless condition; and who recognize the need to seek God for answers on behalf of Haiti.
Those who are feel led to fast, and pray, by seting that particular day aside for this specific request, believing and trusting Jesus to become the "Lord of Lords and King of Kings" even in Haiti.
We are praying that the Lord will reveal to those who are seeking Him, the need for a spiritual revival for the Nation of Haiti.
The designated Psalm for this prayer request is PSALM 34:12.
Since this is our first Year on this mission, we don't have a specific location but rather are calling on every Church to set this day as a day of Prayer, and fasting.
However, Haiti For Christ Ministries will be holding a day of Prayer and Fasting in Haiti, particularly in the cities of Arcahaie, and Croix Des Bouquets.
We pray that everyone will assist us in prayer for this great mission as well. Please feel free to write us at:haitiforchrist [at] or call us at: 954-430-2918 We are in the process of building our web site to post fiture mission project and to assist the community.
Meanwhile, keep up the good work by proclaiming Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Greetings, I am very interested in getting more information about the day of prayer for Haiti. Please contact me at my e-mail address at your... read more >
Topic, 30-Jun-04 10:26 pm
Hello Charles, Praise God for your interest. The day of Prayer for Haiti will take place on july 16, 2004. This request is being sent to the Haitian... read more >
Topic, 3-Jul-04 7:21 pm
I think what your doing is great. you spreading the new on this national prayer day inspired me to do the same. my local youth group is also... read more >
Topic, 5-Jul-04 3:56 pm
Hello Frank! I just would like to thank you for your anointing, encouraging comments. You are an inspired writer; with a special gift. Continue to... read more >
Topic, 6-Jul-04 5:50 am
Thanks Shay S. for your support.We are calling on the Lord Jesus to transform Haiti into a Christian Nation, we trust that He is more than able... read more >
Topic, 6-Jul-04 5:54 am
It should be done longtime ago. Thank you Sister Nadeige for sharing your vision with us. If I weren't navigating on all Haitian nets, I wouldn't... read more >
Topic, 7-Jul-04 10:27 am
Hello Itslet, We will be announcing this prayer day on the radio as well. We have also prepared postal cards to mail to the Haitian community, as... read more >
Topic, 7-Jul-04 12:15 pm
Hello Tawana, Sorry I did not realize your request. Thanks for your comment. We will not be meeting as a group but the prayer will be an individual... read more >
Topic, 7-Jul-04 12:41 pm
Colleen, my heart goes out to you and your daughter. Is there any way you can get him transfered from there to another state? Always get a second... read more >
Topic, 9-Jul-04 10:21 am
The best thing I think you should do is come down to New York and check out a specialists in neurology and strokes to get a second opinion. Have you... read more >