It's ashame that the world had let this happened. (PAYING...

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Reply to Msg 5559

It's ashame that the world had let this happened.


Not only France need to give Haiti its money back. They have to give it with INTEREST AND AN OPOLOGY LETTER ATTACHED TO IT FOR THE WORLD TO SEE.

Miggy, August 17 2010, 2:57 PM

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Topic: Activists Want France To Repay The Haiti Independence Money

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Restoration has been a new political and philosophical thought circulating the lenght and breath of the Carribbean.Unlike Haiti who had to pay for... read more >
David Grant, 16-Aug-10 9:34 pm
Yes, I believe it is the only honorable thing to do: Give the money back to Haiti. read more >
Guy Comeau, 16-Aug-10 10:38 pm
Thanks to Aristide read more >
Johnny, 17-Aug-10 8:03 am
It's ashame that the world had let this happened. (PAYING MONEY FOR YOUR RELIEF FROM MISERY THAT YOU DID NOT DESERVE is unacceptable. Not only... read more >
Miggy, 17-Aug-10 2:57 pm
We have to be happy if that happen. But who is going to take care of that money. Guys,Now its the time for us to put the right man at thr right... read more >
Agella, 17-Aug-10 8:17 pm
Since I was a child I've been heard that Haiti had to pay france for its inddpence but I never understand why? if anybody knows why Haiti had to pay... read more >
Dieuseul, 18-Aug-10 1:29 pm
Yeah, its funny Aristide is the only president that dared stand up to the Imperial powers. No wonder they called him all names in the book. Of... read more >
Nixon, 3-Sep-10 12:50 pm
Haiti is the only country which paid its former colonial master a heavy price for freedom. In the years when the African countries earned their... read more >
Makandal, 4-Sep-11 10:24 pm


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