je prie pour mon ami Gabriel Michel c

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Reply to Msg 5130

je prie pour mon ami Gabriel Michel c

Tony, June 23 2010, 6:42 AM

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Topic: Haitian Priest In Boston Accused Of Adult Sexual Misconduct

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Dios mio conozco al sacerdote Gabriel Michel, nunca escuche que molestaria a una mujer. No es que quiero defenderlo pero lo que se el no es culpable... read more >
Julmice, 22-Jun-10 9:10 pm
je prie pour mon ami Gabriel Michel c read more >
Tony, 23-Jun-10 6:42 am
Le sacerdoce n'est pas une vie facile read more >
Jean Charlot Charlemagne, 23-Jun-10 9:01 am
It takes the haitian community so long to realize the kind of embarassment that the catholic priests have brought to our courtyard.From father jean... read more >
Solidarite Internationale, 23-Jun-10 11:06 am
I do not know father gabriel, but I often heard about some their sexual's misconduct. It's become so popular in today's society because of poverty... read more >
Aleck, 23-Jun-10 3:24 pm
por favor rectifica el mensaje j´ai jamais dit que c´est un montage de la ONU por favor borra eso para mi el internet esta traduciendo lo que uno... read more >
Tony, 23-Jun-10 9:15 pm
cette nouvelle ne n'etonne guere puisque moi-meme,lorsque j'etais membre d'un groupe religieux universitaire,j'ai ete abordee en maintes reprise par... read more >
Bettybeaubrun, 26-Jun-10 10:06 am
He was told but he is so arrogant that he'd rather give the cold shoulder or even if he could, he would have excomunicated people who talk about his... read more >
Jubilee Dargrain, 27-Jun-10 1:19 am
Hi, I like your coments. I would like to know more about Guyma Noel because I knew this Guy from Haiti. It is not about homosexual only it's about... read more >
Kevin, 28-Jun-10 4:50 pm
What did Father Guyma Noel do? Does it involve sexual relationship(s) with adult parishoniers? read more >
A Long Way From Georgia, 26-Sep-10 10:52 pm
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