RE: Radio Haiti

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The Most Beautiful Future (MBF) is a non-profit organization created to help underprivileged youth in Haiti.

We believe the ultimate key to developing a sustainable and stable environment is education, which is why our long term goal involves building a school in Haiti so our children may flourish.

The earthquake that ravaged the island nation on January 12, 2010 has promoted many in our communities to help those who are in desperate need, this is our small part. We are launching this campaign so that we can unite with others who share the dream of creating a new and improved Haiti.

The organization is still in its infant stages but with your help and dedication we can build something that can make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

Come and join the movement!



Contact us: mostbeauitful at

Mona Brutus, June 20 2010, 8:35 PM

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