I understand your point of view as a catholic but, who are the...
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Reply to Msg 1374
I understand your point of view as a catholic but, who are the saints to you?
Why do you pray through them?
On what ground do you pray through them?
At last, if you pray through the saints, where do you place jesus?
If I recall from the bible, Jesus is the only one who was found worthy to make intercession for us before the father in Heaven, because of His righteous blood and sacrifice.
Not the saints.
"We are the saints of God", once we have come to the knowledge of christ and have accepted him as savior.
The Holy Spirit than comes and inhabit in us and empower us with his gifts to edify the body, the church of God. Regardless of our religion, we all believing in one true God, and one Lord we form the body of Christ and the Church.
We now have the privilledge to pray for our brorthers and sisters while ministering to their spiritual, financial, and social needs.
Some of us may even have a special gift of intecession, (an urge to constantly be in a prayerful mind on behalf of others).
The holy spirit is the one who determines how to distribute the gifts of the spirits and whom He will use for every specific gift. Our job is to live a christlike life, so we may always be prepared for God's work.
This is the only way we the saint of God are called to pray for others, not after we have been dead, but alive.
As believers, once we are called to glory, to be with christ after of departure from this earthly life, the care of this world is no longer our concern.
"for to be absent in this body is to present with the Lord".
In Heaven is awaiting us our crown, and everlasting glorified life. There is no scripture in the bible to support this catholic doctrine, but only the lord and the Holy spirit are able to reveal the truth of the word of God to those who are hernestly seeking Him. Let's continue to pray for wisdom in order to distinct the true from the fables.
God bless you,
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