Hi everyone, first of-all I'm thanking u woody for your job...
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Reply to Msg 4769
hi everyone, first of-all I'm thanking u woody for your job cause it take lots of courage care to do what u doing sorry for the way i mite think you and i know that our government isn't good with money if all this money get into they're hands that's it we're going to be screws big time cause isn't the first time other country donate money to Haiti that's no one knows were the money go, some of you mite say oh no this can't happen cause those big country will want some explanation, that is true but it mite be to late cause if you'll know my government the way i know them, you'll know what they of capable to do.like they always said u can't blame someone if u can't give an idea the way i think they should handle that situation for example if Canada want to build a hospital for Haiti for 1 million dollar the government of Canada hold that money and get to getter with the Haitian government for the area the want the hospital to be built and the Canada now get they're ingenious and hire people and Haiti to build a hospital and also supervise work until it's done so the others should do that way we will get a better Haiti thank you
Bloobloo, April 28 2010, 11:58 PM
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