I agree with you Jimmy, a lot of people are here to promote...
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Reply to Msg 4645
I agree with you Jimmy, a lot of people are here to promote their organizations while they are demoting our movement to unifying ourselves, there is no way these people could be haitians, they are the ones place among us to divide us. Let me first respond to the idea that these organizations have been working in Haiti for a long time and we should be giving our money to them. What do they have to show for?
Haiti is worst off. if we are serious about rebuilding Haiti, we need new people and new ideas such as the Haitian Diaspora Million Dollar Challenge.
I have donated and we'll continue to do so, as a matter of fact I will commit myself for $10 a Month.
Josy said "I have seen with my own eyes what two white people has done for our brothers, and sisters." I don't even understand that but I will say this; we want to do for ourselves josy, it's people like you who make us believe that only white people can deliver us and we are useless, well I have news for you; this is a new day. my peps let's go! let's prove them wrong, let raise the million dollar and start empowering our people
Jean, April 28 2010, 6:50 PM
Topic: The Haitian Diaspora Million Dollar Challenge
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