I think there is a big misunderstanding. He didn't say you...

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Reply to Msg 4585

I think there is a big misunderstanding.

He didn't say you have to give up farming.

Yes, agriculture is needed, but that does not mean you have to stop there.

Progress is not a result of standing stil. You need to make a step forward to the future.

I have been there (Haiti) now many times and Nobody can help you if you don't start helping yourself and stop blaming others for Haiti's bad situation in general.

I'm very proud of this three brothers, because they try to change things and do better for Haiti and themself.

Keep going boys and good luck for the future.

Joe, April 15 2010, 10:49 AM

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Topic: First Helicopter Made In Haiti by 3 Haitian Kids - It Can Fly!

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good news 4 haitian people and keep do it...yes we can!!! read more >
Cadet, 12-Apr-10 12:04 am
Anyway they did a good work, i must say them Congratulation, but they should invent something new that people never heard before....everyboby knows... read more >
Patricio, 12-Apr-10 10:49 am
wow,c'est impressionant! il faut qu'ils trouvent l'appui du gouvernement haitien et de vrai patrimoine nationale qui aime vraiment leur haiti ch read more >
Alcime Lineda, 12-Apr-10 7:50 pm
Wow, C'est impressionant! Il Faut qu'ils trouvent l'Appui du Gouvernement Ha read more >
Alcime Lineda, 12-Apr-10 7:56 pm
It is not that they invented aviation or something. Anybody can buy a helicopter kit that includes 38 different parts with instructions on how to... read more >
Boubi, 13-Apr-10 12:23 am
Looks like April fool to me. The pictures of the same copter look different. Look at the glass windows. Helicopter technology is very old. They also... read more >
Boubi, 13-Apr-10 1:10 am
as a lad, I learned to fly a plane before I could drive a car. SO proud of these young men, and THEY will bring honor upon themselves, their country... read more >
Dennis Jacobsen, 15-Apr-10 2:00 am
This is a great history.We have a lot of other histories that have never been shared.Except when something bad happens,everyone is happy to talk... read more >
Frantz G. Saint Louis., 15-Apr-10 7:54 am
I think there is a big misunderstanding. He didn't say you have to give up farming. Yes, agriculture is needed, but that does not mean you have to... read more >
Joe, 15-Apr-10 10:49 am
Some people should be ashame of themselves criticising those smart haitians for doing something constructive. I don't care how old the technology... read more >
Jean-david Louis, 15-Apr-10 2:54 pm
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