Yes,The new Haitian generation can fix Haiti but not without the Haitians in New York.

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Can the new Haitian generation fix Haiti?

Yes, the new Haitian generation can fix Haiti, but not without the help
of concern Haitians that are in the USA and where else. We have to remember
that, the new generation was borne or already born at a time Haiti was going
through hardship with the Haitian parliament and the embargoes and foreign
helpers were ceased or limited to Haiti.

Hopes may have been endured but their
prayers have not been answered yet. Those who seek Help lived in an environment
that human lives are unimportant.

What is life?

Life is a very thin line between living
and dying.

This is a passage for the readers.

"No stranger I, to death.

He lives with me each day.
He tempts me with my grave,
And hides the price I will pay".

The infrastructure of the new Haitian generation's mind needs first to volatile before
able to take care of Haiti.

Since the Question is, Can the new generation fix Haiti?

The survey's majorities said yes. Well let's look at the Market place, which is relied
on imported goods to Haiti and paid higher prices, then the price the free trade pay for
the same exported goods to other countries.

The inflation is sky high because provisions have been exported to foreign countries based
on free trade but not fare trade.

For example, rice sugar, plantains, tropical fruits, corns,
beans, coffee, etc. These Provisions are all over the USA and also in Europe.

How are these free trades helping Haiti's economy?

The products of the land should have been
able to ease some of the burdens of Haiti.

These issues are needed to table with the persons

We need for the Republic of Haiti to sublime.

"United we stand and divided we fall".

The new Haitian generation needs educational programs.

Social Behavior, Business Administrator, Fundamental of Business Organization, Consumers profiles,
Accountant, Industrials.

These Programs can be generated through Satellite TV and implement into
classrooms setting in Haiti.

Let me end the topic of Haiti's Rescue by the new Haitian generation with this poem.

"On the street I saw a girl cold and shivering in a thin dress with little hope of a decent meal.
I became angry and said to God: ' Why did You permit this?

Why don't You do
something about it?' For a while God said nothing.

That night He replied quite suddenly:
'I certainly did something about it. I made you.' "

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