Mr. Woodrin Quiero hacer una aclaracion: En la nueva...

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Reply to Msg 4458

Mr. Woodrin
Quiero hacer una aclaracion: En la nueva legislacion de la tierra en Haiti, el Gobierno debe considerar primeramente al Estado como due

Victor Manuel Guerrero, March 22 2010, 3:47 PM

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Topic: How much land does the Haitian Government Own?

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Clearly we have a major problem in our country if in fact our government cannot allocate 1,500 acres of land to build shelter for its traumatized... read more >
Jacques Laine, 22-Mar-10 1:23 pm
Well, take heart, don't despair, Rene Preval has already formulated a "Reconstruction Plan to the U.N. They will take a look at the Plan and will... read more >
Berbadette S, 22-Mar-10 1:46 pm
Critical situation requires drastic measures in order to come up with a solution. In any catastrophic situation, the government(state) has full... read more >
Will Smith, 22-Mar-10 2:10 pm
Para dar mi respuesta a la falta de terreno que tiene el Gobierno Haitiano, quiero primero decirles que La Organizacion No Gubernamental... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:30 pm
To give my answer to the lack of land that has the Haitian Government, I wish, saying that the NGO (UNICREDEC), is sponsoring the Project for... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:37 pm
Mr. Woodrin Quiero hacer una aclaracion: En la nueva legislacion de la tierra en Haiti, el Gobierno debe considerar primeramente al Estado como due read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:47 pm
Mr. Woodrin I want to clarify one point: In the new land legislation in Haiti, the government must first consider the State as owner of all land... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:52 pm
Woodrin, ther more than enough of gverment land in the country, from where i grow up like yousaid, gin anpil (te leta). the trouble is, our... read more >
Thomas, 22-Mar-10 6:29 pm
Hello, me, what I can say is that we do not state in Haiti, there are profiteers, blofeurs, thieves and even though pir. They think only of... read more >
Dieumene, 22-Mar-10 6:36 pm
i have a feeling that this land thing is going to be a way way for the same special interest (elite) to get their part of the cake. If little money... read more >
Louverture, 22-Mar-10 7:26 pm
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