Well, take heart, don't despair, Rene Preval has already formulated a "Reconstruction Plan to the U.N. They will take a look at the Plan and will answer Mr. Preval on 31st of this month in N.Y. U.N. Headquarters.
Mr. Bellerive told the international community that he has money for up to 20% of his budget.
He did ask for help as he can't pay his employees; he also said that his priority is mainly finding shelter to the now 1.5 million homeless.
I agree with you, this is the last tiers of March.
Most of these lands are likely to have many owners, false deeds, and non-existent proper I.D ...
The money that Mr. Preval is asking for will not be ready the same day, the 31th of this month.
The people never relied on the presidential help. Why should they start now?
They themselves should start walking away from the capital moving in with friends and relatives and non-relatives.
They may have to improvise like people in China did 30 years ago.
(one room - they take turn to sleep
side-by-side) Let the weaker ones stay inside during rain.
The objective is the needier Haiti looks, the more money could be funneling in. It is a sort of bargaining chips...
Clearly we have a major problem in our country if in fact our government cannot allocate 1,500 acres of land to build shelter for its traumatized... read more >
Jacques Laine, 22-Mar-10 1:23 pm
Well, take heart, don't despair, Rene Preval has already formulated a "Reconstruction Plan to the U.N. They will take a look at the Plan and will... read more >
Berbadette S, 22-Mar-10 1:46 pm
Critical situation requires drastic measures in order to come up with a solution. In any catastrophic situation, the government(state) has full... read more >
Will Smith, 22-Mar-10 2:10 pm
Para dar mi respuesta a la falta de terreno que tiene el Gobierno Haitiano, quiero primero decirles que La Organizacion No Gubernamental... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:30 pm
To give my answer to the lack of land that has the Haitian Government, I wish, saying that the NGO (UNICREDEC), is sponsoring the Project for... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:37 pm
Mr. Woodrin Quiero hacer una aclaracion: En la nueva legislacion de la tierra en Haiti, el Gobierno debe considerar primeramente al Estado como due read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:47 pm
Mr. Woodrin I want to clarify one point: In the new land legislation in Haiti, the government must first consider the State as owner of all land... read more >
Victor Manuel Guerrero, 22-Mar-10 3:52 pm
Woodrin, ther more than enough of gverment land in the country, from where i grow up like yousaid, gin anpil (te leta). the trouble is, our... read more >
Thomas, 22-Mar-10 6:29 pm
Hello, me, what I can say is that we do not state in Haiti, there are profiteers, blofeurs, thieves and even though pir. They think only of... read more >
Dieumene, 22-Mar-10 6:36 pm
i have a feeling that this land thing is going to be a way way for the same special interest (elite) to get their part of the cake. If little money... read more >