If she puts this grave situation at the bottom of the list.
this is the exact reason that I said recently that the Haitian people need to go ahead with this election that is due pretty soon. Whether, God forbid it was only 500 Haitians that were left after the Earthquake.
Without an election.
Haitians will not be able I say will not be able to clean house and who ever had appointed her. We really need people who can discern and prioritized grave situations effectively.
How on Earth wouldn't you put RAPING WOMEN NOT A PRIORITY...LET ME WRITE IT AGAIN...
She is a woman.
Maybe she was not in her right mind at the time she has said that. I have not doubt that she is under lots of stress and I pray that she will take that statement back. I feel for her though.
Let us all hope that she can get back to her senses.
It may be a post traumatic stress syndrome from all her responsibilities and she may have lost her senses and sensitivity that SHE IS HERSELF A WOMEN, HER SISTER (s) IF SHE HAS SOME....
Well, If she puts this grave situation at the bottom of the list. PEOPLE LISTEN UP....PEOPLE LISTEN UP.... this is the exact reason that I said... read more >
Miggy, 17-Mar-10 5:56 pm
Maybe no body close to her has been raped. so she will care when it will happen to her or to one of her GIRLFRIENDS. She is so stupid in her taughts... read more >
First, isn't she the president of the women organisation? WOMEN and LITTLE GIRLS are being raped, and she have the nerve to say it's not priority... read more >
Soranne Major, 17-Mar-10 6:44 pm
Let me say something we don't need this kind minister for our government because she doesn't have any sense for the post.Rape someone is not a... read more >
Berthauny Bernard, 17-Mar-10 7:59 pm
Now you all want to agree with me that we have no one no governement to decide, help or speak for us, we are on our own with only a little help from... read more >
Thomas Valcin, 17-Mar-10 8:51 pm
This is no surprise for me. What best can we hear from these idiots, shame on all of them. My only hope is, there is a God in heaven, soon or later... read more >
Mireille, 17-Mar-10 10:37 pm
I don't think this lady have a mother or any kids matter fact i don't even think she's a human to sit there and say something like that we all need... read more >
Zaboute1, 18-Mar-10 12:18 am
You need to read the time's article online, and it was published this week. Two girls 8, and 2 years old were raped by growing men. The baby is... read more >
Josy, 18-Mar-10 1:16 am
I think she probably have a hg way,if anyone raped her she do not have any problem with that. Any man or woman are welcome. read more >