Building tenements in Haiti is a nice idea, but you would have...

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Reply to Msg 4020

Building tenements in Haiti is a nice idea, but you would have to educate the people.

We will have to train them in apartment living, because they are not accustom to living indoor completely.

In the US, or Canada landlords do not even like to rent apartments to Haitians.

They mess up the place really bad, and clog the plumbing system.

I had to throw away the stove, refrigerator, carpet, and hire a company to clean the place after Hatian tenants moved out. The place smelled so bad, and was infested with roaches.

I was a landlord in New York, and I know what I am talking about.

Saudi Arabia hires workers from the Phillipines, or India to do manual labor in their country.

Those two countries have classes for their citizens before they send them to work in Saudi Arabia, because they do not know how to carry themselves.

They are taught how to use indoor plumbing, operate appliances, and keep the place clean.

You cannot dump your trash in the toilet, and you cannot treat an apartment like a backyard.

We know, because we were taught by our families.

I am sorry to say it, but some of our brothers and sisters are like animals.

They do not know any better, because they have never been taught at homes or schools.

You have Haitians who have been living abroad for over 20 years, and still act uncivilized.

They go to work, sleep, and eat. I do not know everything, and learn a new thing everyday.

Haitians need to watch how others live, operate, and copy only the good habits.

We tend to pick up all the bad habits, and learn the language of our adopted country.

If you do not have time to go to school at night ask your children to teach you at home, so you can be aware of what is going on around you on tv or else.

Josy, February 20 2010, 10:44 PM

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Max Mills, 20-Feb-10 9:50 pm
Building tenements in Haiti is a nice idea, but you would have to educate the people. We will have to train them in apartment living, because they... read more >
Josy, 20-Feb-10 10:44 pm
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