DR SAnjay Gupta need a world cup from the haitien society...

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DR SAnjay Gupta need a world cup from the haitien society thanking him for his marvelous compassion our president should be aware of his devoted work.and the citizens of the country as well should be inform.

in each states who has haitiens who live there should consider to offer an enblem of gratitude.

Mr W saint preux please allowed me to say let make this possible, yes we can, and always be able in willing to make history CNN news will also be honored to know that this prominent employee worth so much of his dignity and respect.and also not to forget to mention journalist mr Anderson cooper whom also need his merit both men need their medal circulate the news throught out the haitiens media especially new york city my home town I do appeciate your carisma.

martine pierre jacques president of humanity community services (HCS)

Martine Pierre Jacques, February 18 2010, 11:38 PM

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I want to thank Dr.Sanjay Gupta for his devoted work and his human kind. Dr. Sanjay Gupta is a true son of God and may the power of God watched over... read more >
Constance, 26-Jan-10 1:25 pm
I want to thank Anderson Cooper for his wonderful devoted work and his human kind. Anderson Cooper is an angel and may God Bless him and his family... read more >
Constance, 26-Jan-10 1:34 pm
Two great men, much blessing to them. When we need the most, many turn and run. Those two great men stand bt the Haitian people. Thank you both. read more >
Sonia, 31-Jan-10 4:04 am
DR SAnjay Gupta need a world cup from the haitien society thanking him for his marvelous compassion our president should be aware of his devoted... read more >
Martine Pierre Jacques, 18-Feb-10 11:38 pm
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