As one always says half of the truth has not been told.You are...
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Reply to Msg 3985
As one always says half of the truth has not been told.You are right to say we need to pursue this type of negations with diplomacy.Well my dear, but how long is it going to take us to rise, to have guts to express our minds in the high societies of which we all call " Men of states " .So if we need others to stand besides us or for us we have to have the calibration that a leader needs to have .Of course the French people need to apologize for asking us to pay for our freedom as the British have done to the Black race for slavery time, the Germans have done the same to the Jews they have killed in the second world war 2. We have seen the unification of the two Germany as one.So why not the French to do same to the Haitian people.Because, or may be we are not ready to forgive or we do not have a Toussaint L'ouverture to lead the way in diplomacy style.
So we need to have the guts as men of states, not against our brothers in our own country but against all who discriminate us as nothing .Look around us St Domingue, Bahamas, Nassau want to expatriate all Haitians even after the tragedy because the world still looking at us as the bottom part of the pot.Why, why and why.So we need to rise, build our pride educate our people to believe in themselves, to respect our treasures (Statues, park, heritage buildings and so on )We need some great men to lead us on that path not some wytty wytty men or yes sir or yes mam to everything so if it is that case, let it be. One day someone will rise like a Mandella, Castro or whoever that will be the French people shall apologize to the Haitians people.
At this time let us humble ourselves and receive what they have to offer, we all need help now for the sake of the old and the babies.
We are still prisoner in our own backyard, we don't know what to do next.Our problems are bigger than France right now.We don't only need infrastructure, we need great education for our people to fight against illiteracy, we need justice for all then we can say we 're free. There is no freedom without a good education.
Max Mills, February 17 2010, 10:13 PM
Topic: President Sarkozy Visit To Haiti
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