Well that brought tears to my eyes as I was having my fist cup...

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Reply to Msg 3741

Well that brought tears to my eyes as I was having my fist cup of java this morning - mama mia what moving lyrics.and Emeline sang it beautifully.

Her voice brought to my mind the incredible, the one and only Mahalia Jackson.

B. Murphy-bridge, February 5 2010, 5:17 AM

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Topic: MTV Calls Emeline Michel 'The Joni Mitchell of Haiti'

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It was a disaster to me when i was watching Emeline Michell singing in CNN the performance was very poor. why did she not singing in her soul style... read more >
Winerx, 4-Feb-10 8:48 pm
Wyclef already made a name for himself, he can basically do whatever he wants, Emeline cannot to that. I think he did a wonderful job. This was a... read more >
Marvin, 4-Feb-10 9:18 pm
Because it was required of her..she was given 3 choices of songs in english..It had to be in english because it was broadcasting all over the world... read more >
Tamy, 4-Feb-10 9:55 pm
I guess it will take some time for Haitian people to understand that there is such a thing called STANDARD when you are on the world stage, you have... read more >
Jake The Snake, 4-Feb-10 11:49 pm
Well that brought tears to my eyes as I was having my fist cup of java this morning - mama mia what moving lyrics.and Emeline sang it beautifully... read more >
B. Murphy-bridge, 5-Feb-10 5:17 am
Emeline was invited by the director of the show who wanted a female haitian voice next to Wylcef. She had the choice between some titles, she chose... read more >
Nasyonsoley, 12-Feb-10 6:51 am


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