I'm happy to hear petionville has electricity...i wrote a song...
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Reply to Msg 3695
i'm happy to hear petionville has electricity...i wrote a song there
long ago...
good job...
luko adjaffi
Luko Adjaffi, February 2 2010, 4:42 PM
Topic: Electricity Has Been Restored in Petion Ville Haiti
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i'm happy to hear petionville has electricity...i wrote a song there long ago... good job... luko adjaffi read more >
Luko Adjaffi, 2-Feb-10 4:42 pm
I am happy, but what about the rest of the country. read more >
Rachelle, 2-Feb-10 7:10 pm
This is good news. The people of Petion-Ville and my family will be able to watch television to see what is going on with the rest of... read more >
Nancy, 2-Feb-10 8:10 pm
That is great news as i'm leaving New Zealand next Tuesday for journey back home to Petion-Ville, my hometown to visit and be with my dear Mother... read more >
Maya Dorcil, 2-Feb-10 8:27 pm
that is good news, now is it 24/7days a week. or is it just for a couple of hours and it is back to black out.. i will like to know more about that read more >
Rza, 2-Feb-10 9:37 pm
What are you doing in New Zealand my friend? It is so cold there, and I would like to chat with you. Is there a Haitian community in New Zealand... read more >
Josy, 2-Feb-10 11:32 pm
That is awesome news to hear! I have a lot of family and friends thar reside in Petion Ville. It is exciting to know what progress that Haiti is... read more >
Lala T, 2-Feb-10 11:43 pm
c une fierte pour moi d entendre cette belle nouvelle et je te souhaite que les autres commune obtienent de l electricite aussi que Dieu protege ma... read more >
Beethoventznevil, 3-Feb-10 6:16 am
I glad for those who leave at Petion ville,that a good job,but I think yall should look out for the poor area first.kote tout vole yo chita ap viole... read more >
Andy, 3-Feb-10 8:51 am
I am here in Petionville as i am writing this to you and that information is incorrect. We are still running on generator and inverter power here... read more >
Richard Lumarque, 3-Feb-10 11:05 am
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