Most of thr time us Haitian men don't know how to treat our Haitian women and take them for granted.
Brother man the are romantic Haitian women in the US. The problem is our Haitian nubian queens love to talk a lot and make big isssues out of little things.
Word of sugesstion just ignore.
And love them for what they are. Haitian women are the greatest.
They know how to care for their children and love their family and especially their mate. You might need to do some self reflection and ask yourself have you been treating Haitian women right like the quuen they are?
je suis completement d'accord avec toi.... je suis tres jalouse et je ferai tout et tout pour mon mec read more >
Laetitia, 10-Jun-08 6:31 pm
ha oui c'est vraie...j'suis vraiment romantique, j'aime mon copin fortement, je ne veux pas lui partager avec qui que ce soit. je ferai tout mon... read more >
Mikeline, 31-Jul-08 7:02 pm
I totally agree that is the absolute truth because i will go long and hard ways to prove to my man that i love him............ BUT WHY IS IT THAT WE... read more >
Asia Jo, 17-Oct-08 10:27 am
I would love to meet one.i left the country at 16years old and the ones i meet here in the us are rude, vulgar and successively jealous. I'm spoiled... read more >
Gatien Georges, 25-Jan-09 11:33 pm
I understand jalousie if there if there are reasons for it. you have all the rights if anyone plays with your heart. a heart is too fragile, most... read more >
Gatien Georges, 25-Jan-09 11:43 pm
If you really love and respect man(talking about me) why would that man cheat on you or let you go? I think there are more to it. I think it is too... read more >
Gatien Georges, 25-Jan-09 11:53 pm
Yes, but As our world closes out, we must now ask ourselves what must be done to insure our survival as a people. We must value our women, for... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 2-Feb-09 2:07 pm
Hello, konfrere, He has a poet was trying to make a point. but As our world closes out, we must now ask ourselves what must be done to insure our... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 2-Feb-09 2:10 pm
Most of thr time us Haitian men don't know how to treat our Haitian women and take them for granted. Brother man the are romantic Haitian women in... read more >
Henry Gus, 5-Nov-09 6:12 pm
That's a stupid question,regardless of haitian or not, what women doesn't romance in one way or the other, are haitian women romantic?, thats a... read more >