Regarding the early Haitians' murdering of whites and...

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Reply to Msg 3167

Regarding the early Haitians' murdering of whites and mulattoes during the revolution, there are several good Haitian history sites on the internet that you could read. Please understand that I agree that Blacks have historically been shamefully mistreated by whites as well.

Since you agree that all forms of government have elements of corruption, I am still interested in why you singled out capitalism in your treatise, when the system of government does not seem relevant to your context.

I know what happens to those who are considered mentally ill in Haiti, and "psychologist" is not part of that equation.

I also wonder about the fate of a person seeking emotional counseling in socialistic, communistic and dictatorial societies.

I think I would take my chances in a free society like the USA.

Do you think that Black men preferring black women in your mother's generation but "whiter" women in your generation is related at all to the integration movement in the USA?

Jack, September 16 2009, 5:53 PM

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Maybe Manuchca, Who knows? Sincerely I lost hope in this country. I don't think we are going anywhere better. Thanks for toughts anyway read more >
Taty, 2-Feb-09 1:51 am
Hello Sister, I extremely doubt the relevance of an appropriated answer, when I see the malversations, the tricks, the strategies, the... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 2-Feb-09 12:08 pm
wow your a Haitian??? I am doing a Project on Haitian Restaveks (kids put through slavery) and I basically cried when I herd all of this stuff........ read more >
Ashlee, 6-Mar-09 3:09 pm
This thing happens every where, not just in Haiti. What I find disturbing (beside the fact it's inhumane), it's the time it takes for the... read more >
D, 26-Mar-09 10:20 am
hi Ambassador, I don't know how long ago your message was posted, but I don't fully agree with you. you say that we shouldn't be so sensational and... read more >
Rose-marie, 31-Jul-09 1:08 pm
I have been there twice. This is real. It is a good illustration of the total depravity of man. Jesus Christ is the answer. Nothing else will work. read more >
Jack, 15-Sep-09 9:20 am
Interesting, and quite contrary to my understanding. I have been told that black men prefer dark black women, and consider light skinned black women... read more >
Jack, 15-Sep-09 10:22 am
Capitalism is just as tainted as my other political systems and psychology takes advantage of that to state opinions and propoganda as facts. Your... read more >, 15-Sep-09 8:50 pm
Interesting. After leaving my last post, I ran across another site wherein a lady from Jamaica lamented that she was treated unfairly for her... read more >
Jack, 16-Sep-09 10:05 am
Regarding the early Haitians' murdering of whites and mulattoes during the revolution, there are several good Haitian history sites on the internet... read more >
Jack, 16-Sep-09 5:53 pm
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