Woody listen! offcourse we do have "Haitien Communitie" they...

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Woody listen! offcourse we do have "Haitien Communitie" they are the base of where we go when we do not know anyone in the town of that city. But because we are so divised and we do not try to grasp ourselves to be strong and link to other communities and most of all we do not share enough we prefer to copy each others idea without givng them credit for what we take or learn from them, We break ourselves from the principle of being a tight community.

That is why you think saying haitien community is negative.

When we refer to the idea of who we are as a hole we are offcourse Haitien people.

for instense:Haitien people living in the Diaspora.

Haitien people living in France, Haitien people living in Canada, Hatien people living in the U.S but when it comes to specify the group who is living in a smaller town such as Miami.

Fort Laderdale, South Miami.

Orlando, Queens, Los- Angeles, Boston, Montreal, Toronto ect. Haitien life style shuch as how they do things together we can say Haitien community.

Why not! like if you want to see Haitien playing cards or Dominos in Little Haiti in Miami well there is a community and everyone knows about everyone.

In New- York if you go on E 18th and Churh there is a Haitian community.

On Nostrand where most Haitien have business there is a Haitian community.

On Ocean Ave most apartments have Haitien they speak loud and they stay outside they speak creole yes there is a Haitian community.

One can't erase the term Haitien community in the vocabulary, it exists but when off course when referring to the people as a hole one must say Haitien people because has a group we have our unique culture, our language, our norms and our way of beliefs.

It is too bad that we let ourselves be influenced by other cultures and we sometimes forget how great of a nation we are. So, it is great to be remimded that we are very important group of people, we the Haitien People.

but remember without a community one can't go anywhere.

A strong community makes a great city and beautiful cities make a wonderful country and a wonderful country gives its people respect in the world.

Hope one day we will gain the respect we had in the eyes of the world.

I am sure because we still have many of us that care a great deal! Keep up the good work.

Kimbe la pa lage

Colette Jacques

Colette Jacques, March 24 2009, 6:32 PM

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Woodring man ou bon net se sa li ye min "Pep la" read more >
Wesna, 24-Mar-09 8:13 am
Excellent point! I'm going to correct myself from now on. Thank you. read more >
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Woody listen! offcourse we do have "Haitien Communitie" they are the base of where we go when we do not know anyone in the town of that city. But... read more >
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