Hello, konfrere, He has a poet was trying to make a point. but...
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Reply to Msg 2487
Hello, konfrere, He has a poet was trying to make a point.
As our world closes out, we must now ask ourselves what must be done to insure our survival as a people.
We must value our women, for heaven lies at the foot of mother.
The value of our virtuous women is more that the value of the wealth of Haiti, but the female and the value of her as a virtuous woman have been devalued by our society.
The devaluation of our female and the devaluation of virtue in our society have caused us to live on a plane that is far beneath that which we are capable of. This is why every religion and every society must reevaluate how we look at the females in our society.
To think of our female as only being valuable for procreation and pleasure is devaluing her. To think of her as not being talented or gifted, that she may be an equal sharer in the development of our society, our nation is to devalue her. To make her a sex symbol is to devalue her. To show her off before the world in an indecent manner is to devalue her. The disrespect of our women is one of the reasons that Haiti is in the condition that it is in. There cannot be a new Haiti except that there is a new and better understanding of our female which gives us a clearer understanding of ourselves.
The woman is the foundation upon which civilization is built.
By looking at our women, one can tell how highly civilized we are or uncivilized we are because she is the reflection of our degree of civilization.
For a foundation is that upon which we build.
Any society that increases the knowledge, the wisdom and the understanding of a woman is a society that is on its way up. Any society that denies knowledge, wisdom and understanding to the woman is a society that is on its way down, because a woman of knowledge, a woman of wisdom or a woman of understanding, when you see her, you will see that she is refined in her manners, in her morals, in her speech and in her actions.
She represented the highest of culture and she will open the door to the pursuit of happiness if she is granted it. For she is the manifestation, she is deserved kindness of us, for only through her we are extended through the generations.
It is only through her that we live again and again and again.
It is only through her that we continue to move toward the true perfection.
She is the cornerstone of the family and therefore is critical in the whole process of our nation.
Charlot Charlemagne, February 2 2009, 2:10 PM
Topic: Are Haitian Women Romantic? - A Poet's Perspective (Part 2)
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