"Soup joumou" is for me a reference of January the first 1804...

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Reply to Msg 2442

"Soup joumou" is for me a reference of January the first 1804 (Independence or Death), Haiti must survive, but:
Today, it is a need and precondition to the virtual and real liberation of our Fatherland.

We should not give up the family life; it is the base of our survival and our development.

It is true that the strategy of our oppressors consists in putting much pressure on us so that we drop our fight for freedom and independence.

It is certain that we must preserve the family element and not plunge in the abyss, because it is the weapon of excellence for our current fight.

It is the framework of our brilliant deeds as a base for our projects of scale.

Consequently, this concept must be conveyed and especially clarified for the popular masses.

It is the duty of any Haitian to understand the emotional load and the stakes of such a concept.

In spite of the pressure of the circumstances, we must have in mind that the devalorization of the Haitian Family can only bring the forfeiture of the Country.

Then, let us not delay with the out-of-date dreams, and adapt the institutions to the needs for the present.

Let us leave no stone unturned to protect and improve the Family in spite of Pharaohs' harmful action, which handicaps us rather than assisting us. In the name of the tradition of non-interference, nobody has the right to choose our destiny or dictate our management.

Let us liberate ourselves from the obstacles of underdevelopment.

Let us choose our own way, and above all keep this Confraternal virtue, which is the taste of moving forward.

Charlot Charlemagne, February 1 2009, 6:38 PM

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"Libete ou lamort" does not mean "long live independent". It means "liberty or death". read more >
Moise, 16-Jan-09 3:08 pm
Thank you, Woody, for your Soup Joumou presentation. If I didn't have my bowl, You would send me to go steal one; fortunately, I had mine. Unlike... read more >
J.garry Volcy, 28-Jan-09 2:22 pm
bwe soup joumou ou tande monche Bonne anne 2009. can I have some soup joumou please in your bowl kidding lol read more >
Jiouanna Despeignes, 28-Jan-09 2:23 pm
i just had 3 bowls of soup.It was delious! read more >
Joelerne Joseph, 28-Jan-09 2:25 pm
"Soup joumou" is for me a reference of January the first 1804 (Independence or Death), Haiti must survive, but: Today, it is a need and precondition... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 1-Feb-09 6:38 pm
3 bowls of soup joumou, Are these delirious or delicious, any way in both cases (tradition every January first (Independence or Death) But: Today... read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 1-Feb-09 6:45 pm
Dear Konfrere, if I May! I don read more >
Charlot Charlemagne, 2-Feb-09 11:50 am
i am about to make a speech about this topic, and your article is very helpful; but can your answer your p.s. question please? lol because i dont... read more >
Stephanie, 26-Feb-09 3:43 pm
OU bwe Soup, You drink it LOL That's what I do read more >
Woodring, 28-Feb-09 8:23 pm
I love it...I hope we can have that information shared widely rather than just to the Haitian community. I love that proud from Wood...certain will... read more >
Pgb, 30-Dec-09 6:02 pm
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