Haitian always say that Haiti has a lot of criminal but if we compare it to Dominican Rep we are at a level very low this guy who cut of the hands of this poor man who may be went to dominica to find a new way to live is an evil I believe sometime he even eat garbage I wonder why the guy during he was moving down didn't take a stone and hit him in his face so anyone of them could be victim futhermore you know what wrong in all of that haitian people have tolerance.
it should be all all when ever a haitian is killed in D r we sould also kill a Dominican in Haiti because there are also in Haiti.
for enstence we should also cut off the hand of a Dominican living in haiti wherever he can be now
C'est trop dur a regarder, s'il vous plait enlevez ce video sur l'internet. Je ne sais meme quoi dire au sujet de ce video. Ces gens la en... read more >
Marie Katia Brutus, 10-Dec-08 12:40 am
This video was submited to CNN IReport, I see it posted at least 3 times, so far they have not run the story on CNN yet Let's wait and see. There is... read more >
Randy, 10-Dec-08 2:12 am
Haitian always say that Haiti has a lot of criminal but if we compare it to Dominican Rep we are at a level very low this guy who cut of the hands... read more >
Junior, 10-Dec-08 9:18 am
It's not fair to cut hand of someone like that, if we can find some more informations about where becomes this video and try to find the haitian man... read more >
Yvo, 10-Dec-08 9:50 am
This is an outrage! Who the hell is responsible for this. The video itself is a gruesome image, but to think the man whose hands were cut off is a... read more >
Jean-harmel Fenton, 10-Dec-08 12:37 pm
i can't say a word i don't believe it tha's what those people use to do to us,to our parents and now they are doing it again those people think they... read more >
Lili, 10-Dec-08 2:50 pm
that's right we need each other more than ever now all we need to do is united ourselves and recognize that we are nothing without each other and... read more >
Josianne, 10-Dec-08 2:57 pm
i agree with you they go to our country they do whatever they want Who do they think they are? i know i'm not suppose to hate but i hate those... read more >
Cindy, 10-Dec-08 3:03 pm
I saw the video last evening. My stomach turned to the point that I wanted to throw up. I felt violated, not just because the victim may be Haitian... read more >
Ollin, 10-Dec-08 5:53 pm
Trop triste ce video qui m'a brise le coeur.J'ai passe trois jours a Santo Domingo je n'y retournerai jamais et meme mes amies qui vivent la-bas et... read more >