How would this benefit the Haitians people and their island...

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Reply to Msg 11258

How would this benefit the Haitians people and their island?

Will the contract be given to Haitian contractors, and engineers.

Would the Haitians benefit from job creation?

You can Not invade a land and rip the people (native and locals) of their land, that is wicked work.

Sandra V, November 15 2024, 9:02 AM

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Please never let them buy this island or contract it. They only want to rape the country once again and pay the government off and the people will... read more >
Sharon, 21-May-23 8:30 pm
How would this benefit the Haitians people and their island? Will the contract be given to Haitian contractors, and engineers. Would the Haitians... read more >
Sandra V, 15-Nov-24 9:02 am
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