The history of migration of Haitians to other parts of the world actually started after the Haitian Revolution
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Reply to Msg 22687
I am sorry to report to you that according to your article you stated that the Haiti brain drain started during the 1960''s during Haitian migration to Ghana which is a fact.
However I will submit to you that I would like to add the history of migration of Haitian to the Americas and other places in the world actually started after the Haitian Revolution.
For example: Jean BAPTISTE Pointe DuSable, Jean-Jacques Audubon, Pierre TOUSSAINT to name a few were they not brain drain?
My brother this has been a historical problem that have been happening in Haiti for the past more then 225 years.
Therefore, what is the solution?
I don't see an end to this brain drain from Haiti.
Do you?
Joseph Gourgue Sr, July 21 2024, 1:46 PM
Topic: Haiti's Brain Drain: From Congo in the 1960s to Chile to "Biden" Today
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