As a young haitian, i would say that i aint believe it, but,
when i sit back think about so many things i've seen, have heard,
i say yes :
it can be real,
must of you are, dont know what is haiti, make it durty, nasty, bad,
the point is:
we got a power, to kill. why dont you go do some right thing for your contry.
dont kill for no reason, for non sence
first of all u didnt make life, LORD did
why would you kill some body, whyle you cant give them they life back
some time you killed but you dont know how many people u hurt, how many people u killed, he/she could be everything in the family, he/she was the only one thats have a job, he/she was the one thats bring food home.
when you with your ignoring self kill that person !!
who gonna give food, take care of that family cause you killed he/she
haiti is yours, its ours,
you know better, just do better
so your sisters and brothers wont have to move in america for a better live
its aint no better, its just another states
is not somewere you can found money on the ground, u have to work for it, and work real hard,
Well that shows if Haitians used what ever it is smartly enought how far Haiti would be. Idiots call it voodoo, smart people advance call it... read more >
Garry Destin, 3-Sep-08 7:43 pm
pourriez-vous afficher la photo de cette femme morte retrouvee vivante! read more >
Chapante, 3-Sep-08 9:27 pm
Of course I don't beleive in this, its either you are dead or you are not. To many haitians beleive in the spirit and need to find God! Stop... read more >
Ms. T, 4-Sep-08 6:43 am
ds tous les points la situation de mon pays cheri est critique.Que protege ma patrie et que tous les haitiens ensemble disons NON au mal,et oui a... read more >
Ben, 4-Sep-08 2:21 pm
sensational news to some but more common news to most Haitians who have heard of such cases. Is it time now to get serious medical research on this... read more >
Jean, 4-Sep-08 5:07 pm
As Haitian, i am not surprised because i know this has been happening since a long time. So, the only thing is i feel glad for her and her family... read more >
Gilbert, 4-Sep-08 11:12 pm
As a young haitian, i would say that i aint believe it, but, when i sit back think about so many things i've seen, have heard, i say yes : it can be... read more >
Widny Joseph, 5-Sep-08 1:10 pm
Hell on Eart I know that Haitians will never stop working with the Devil Voodoo in Haiti is the worst that we need to avoid read more >
Marie, 14-Sep-08 10:01 am
i i dont think she was ever dead of course, only in some sort of coma induced by the blowfish poison, im guessing thats how they did it. I have... read more >
Gregoire, 13-Oct-08 2:23 pm
you are the only one making sense here read more >