Video leads to increased calls for Carrie Solages to resign...
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Video leads to increased calls for Carrie Solages to resign
There are increasing calls for Nassau Legislator Carrie Solages to resign as new video has surfaced of an alleged domestic abuse incident.
Solages was arrested on assault and child endangerment charges earlier this year. He pleaded not guilty and was re-elected last month with more than 70 percent of the vote. As News 12 reported Thursday, the cellphone videos were first posted on YouTube in September by a Haitian-American news and entertainment organization called Tele-Image.
The clips were accompanied by a wide-ranging interview with the woman who was allegedly assaulted at the hands of Solages, his ex-fiancee Marie Angeline Vincent.
After Solages' arrest, then-candidate Laura Curran called on Solages to step down if the charges were "remotely true." But after seeing the videos yesterday, the county executive-elect took a more hardline stance and said, "As I've said before, what Carrie Solages has said and done is wholly unacceptable and he should resign." Legislative Republicans made the same call months ago.
What is Laura Curran Hiding?
"Laura Curran still refuses to release the video of her recent debate appearance at the Long Island Business Council, and despite all of this, she continues to say she is for 'more transparency in government.'"
"Jack Martins believes that transparency in government is crucial and one of the keys to earning, and keeping, the public trust.
"Darryl Woody, 44 years old, committed suicide on January 3, 2011, while at the NUMC Prison Ward. The New York State Commission of Correction, an independent state entity that investigates deaths in custodial facilities, reported that his death "may have been prevented but for the grossly inadequate psychiatric care provided him in the jail and hospital, and the lack of appropriate supervision by the NUMC." The Commission of Correction further reported that Mr. Woody had a history of mental instability and had previously attempted suicide once before entering jail and once in December 2010 while on suicide watch in the jail. The Commission's report recommended investigations into the jail's booking, supervision and staffing procedures, as well as investigations for "gross negligence and gross incompetence" of the two doctors who treated Mr. Woody.
John Ciotti gets $300G NUMC job - Long Island - legis-john-ciotti-gets...
Jan 07, 2012 · Well, they'll all have their work cut out for them if the state Commission on Corrections gets its way and the state department of health investigates two NUMC doctors on allegations of gross negligence and incompetence in the care of an inmate who was discharged back to the jail, where he later committed suicide.
Dennis Woody Powers, September 18 2018, 11:15 AM
Topic: New York Haitian-American Legislator Carrie Solages arrested for Domestic Violence
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