I think the laws of Haiti must be respected should I enter...

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Reply to Msg 19997

I think the laws of Haiti must be respected should I enter Haiti.

Similarly, the laws of the Bahamas should be respected by Haitians and all other foreigners too. What do you think of sending guns and bullets to The Bahamas instead of the coffee, taffia and sugar that Bahamians once purchased?

What do you think about Haiti now buying rice from The United States and sugar imports increasing.

What do you think about Haiti getting its act together, eliminating corruption, and promoting rice production and coffee, sugar and taffia?

Will it create local employment?

I have answered your question.

For heaven's sake stop sounding like the Bahamas is persecuting Haiti and answer one or two questions asked by me

Sidney Dorsett, January 14 2018, 11:35 AM

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A mon avis, les questions idoines (the genuine questions) a se poser sont, - en plus de se les poser uniquement en se demandant quoi en penser -... read more >
Paul Dja, 15-Dec-17 9:58 am
I think the laws of Haiti must be respected should I enter Haiti. Similarly, the laws of the Bahamas should be respected by Haitians and all other... read more >
Sidney Dorsett, 14-Jan-18 11:35 am


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