Pre 1986 Haiti we were able to go out any time of the day and night without worrying about...
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Reply to Msg 13929
Well said Gurda Johnson.
Only Lavalasse and it's Bret hens will disagree with you.
Pre 1986 we had a country where, as you have stated, we were able to go out any time of the day and night without worrying about kidnappers, chimères, and rats created by, encouraged by, and druged (in the beginning) by Lavalasse and the fake priest.
The ones disagreeing with your statement do not matter, therefore you can calmly dismiss then as selfish haters of Haïti.
Enzo A, December 17 2017, 10:53 AM
Topic: PHOTO: Haiti - Michele Bennett et Michelle Ania Duvalier - Veillée Funèbre Jean Claude Duvalier
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