If all of us can do just this..Keep it up Fanfan.
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Reply to Msg 1929
I was in tears when i read the title about what you have in mind regarding our own land Haiti.
I have been in the US for the past years and every time i think about Haiti this term always come to my mind" RESTAVEK".
How possible this can be in this world for some Haitian children to live their entire life being a servant without not right whatsoever?
Brother, Today you bring me down and i can tell you that i am praying for you starting right now. Yes, "if i could Fanfan just like you i would but i will do my part."If all of us can do just this thinking about them RESTAVEK that our country still have by htousands mostly poor children on the street, Haiti would probably be a place where in 20 years to come, we all would have been more than proud to talk about.
My friend, If you can think that far Fanfan that means you have a heart to think about others problem.
"Bon courage fre-m pa dekouraje..".
Jean Walner, November 21 2007, 8:49 PM
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